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Proxy Leave

On Proxy Leave page, you can apply and approve leaves on behalf of your team members.

How to apply proxy leave?

1. Click Search icon. Following pop up will open.

2. Select an employee code. Following page will be displayed.

Leave Request
Leave Type list of leave types. You can choose one.
Leave Reason list of leave reasons. You can choose one. Leave reason depends on selected leave type.
Comments comments from employee about the leave to be applied.
Start Date start date of leaves.
End Date end date of leaves.
Attach File

supporting document for the leave to be applied.

E.g. If leave type is sick leave, then you can attach medical certificate.

Leave Duration
Select Duration

list of durations. You can choose one.

Note: If it is a holiday, then duration will not be applicable.

3. Enter the required information.

4. Click Approve button.

You can view new leave from employee and proxy leave on Leave Status page.